Identify opportunities, ideate and refine innovative products and services, and create compelling customer experiences for a successful market launch.
Innovation of Things.
I help companies design things — things that matter to people, delivered in ways that matter to people. Beautiful and sustainable, with a significant return on experience.
Innovation of Things.
I help companies design things — things that matter to people, delivered in ways that matter to people. Beautiful and sustainable, with a significant return on experience.
In collaboration with global brands to startups, I design innovative products, services, and the systems they live within — changing the ways people think, feel, and do.
In collaboration with global brands to startups, I design innovative products, services, and the systems they live within — changing the ways people think, feel, and do.
Things that matter.
The challenges my clients need to solve give their customers the power to do more, and be more.
Things that matter.
The challenges my clients need to solve give their customers the power to do more, and be more.
"We want to create a unique experience for our customer."
"We want to define a successful market entry strategy."
"We want to probe the future of our industry or category."
"We want to reimagine our product and customer experience."
"We want to design a meaningful solution, not just a device."
"We want to create a unique experience for our customer."
"We want to define a successful market entry strategy."
"We want to probe the future of our industry or category."
"We want to reimagine our product and customer experience."
"We want to design a meaningful solution, not just a device."
Design for growth.
I can support you at three different stages of your business growth.
Design for growth.
I can support you at three different stages of your business growth.

From creating and launching new solutions to improving existing ones. Or if your business starts declining, helping you pivot and reinvent.
Create. Accelerate. Reinvent.
Which stage of business growth are you at?
Create. Accelerate. Reinvent.
Which stage of business growth are you at?
Enhance your product and service experience to improve business performance, leverage usage data, and capitalize on my 20 years of experience.
Leverage emerging technologies and build on future research to evolve or disrupt your product and service offering, initiating a new business cycle.
Make things work.
To design successful experiences into innovative products, it's not just what it looks like and feels like — it's how it works.
Make things work.
To design successful experiences into innovative products, it's not just what it looks like and feels like — it's how it works.

My skills to help.
Over 25 years of shaping digital and physical into winning products of business, brand, technology, and delight.
My skills to help.
Over 20 years of shaping digital and physical into winning products of business, brand, technology, and delight.

I help you define what to build and why.
Companies often skip this vital step in their product innovation journey. It's a powerful catalyst for spinning new revenue opportunities and future-proofing innovations. I work with stakeholders to envision a clear direction of what we are building, for whom, and why.
I design how it looks, how it works, and how it feels.
Most designers focus on how things look, but if your product doesn't work and feel the way your customers expect, it will not succeed. Since my clients' success is my source of pride, it drives me to consistently and reliably deliver products and experiences that lead industries and define categories.
I gather world-class teams to create, build, and launch your product.
I have numerous years of experience in leading teams – from global design organizations in multiple locations at Sony to smaller cross-functional groups for innovation projects with clients. Throughout the entire innovation process, I lead and design fluently, from upstream strategy and conception to detailed design and implementation.
The type of work I do.
The type of work I do.

Smarta hem


Mobil & bärbar teknik

Hälsa & välbefinnande

Digital transformation

Professionell utrustning



Who I've worked with.
Who I've worked with.

What they say.
What they say.
"Jag är verkligen glad att ha arbetat med Henrik i många många år och ser hans förmåga att sätta kreativ och strategisk riktning, hans passion och kvalitet för designarbete, från den allra första idén till fullständig implementering."

Michael Henriksson
Managing Director, Kraftringen
"Henrik är alltid villig att ta en utmaning, förstå helheten och samtidigt kunna leda ett team, hålla reda på detaljerna och uppnå hög kvalitet i tid."

Thomas Waldner
Senior Design Manager, Sony Creative Center
"Henrik är en mycket fokuserad och entreprenörsdrivande designer. Han har en fantastisk attityd i att problem kan och kommer att lösas. Han utmanar alltid normen och kommer att hitta nya metoder när det behövs för att nå design av högsta kvalitet. "

Jeanna Kimbré
General Manager, Sony Studio Nordic
"Jag har kunnat lita på Henrik många gånger i svåra situationer och han har visat sig kunna uppnå utmärkta resultat varje gång. Han har en fantastisk positiv attityd och förmåga att presentera. Han är en skicklig chef och motivator och uppskattas av sina medarbetare, chefer och anställda! Jag kommer att arbeta med Henrik när som helst! "

Michel Öste Sabouné
CEO Aventure AB
"Henrik är ett fantastiskt exempel på en designledare som lever och andas kreativitet i alla dess former."

Sonny Lim
Head of Design, Motorsport FTW at PUMA
"Henrik är en bra kollega som alltid tar fram det bästa i andra människor, han har ett gott sinne för humor och ett stort leende!"

Annica Zetterlind
Strategic Communicator
"Henrik har en beundransvärd förmåga att fokusera, arbeta metodiskt och navigera smidigt och övertygande i stora komplicerade projekt. Förutom sina yrkeskunskaper som industridesigner har Henrik mycket goda ledaregenskaper och är en övertygande och inspirerande talare."

Jens Strandberg
Senior Packaging Designer
"Henrik är en bra chef och samtidigt en innovativ designer. Jag lärde mig mycket av honom när jag arbetade för Sony Ericsson som nybörjare. Henrik är också en bra handledare och vän för en juniordesigner, mycket tålmodig med rik kunskap."

Jenny Cui
Director of Sales & Marketing, Omuus Ltd.
How to design your next thing?
How to design your next thing?
1. Exploratory Call
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We’ll start out by talking on the phone to get a sense of what your challenges are right now, what you’ve tried so far, and if we're the right fit.
2. Custom Proposal
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If I think I can help you successfully create, improve, or reinvent your next thing, I’ll put together a proposal which will serve as the playbook for getting you the right results.
3. Get Results
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I'll take the guesswork out of designing your next thing, from vision and concepts through design development, detailing, prototyping, and guidance in manufacturing.
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Ta reda på hur du kan förnya ditt sätt att innovera med min gratisguide.
Let's Talk.
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Want to see if we'd be a good fit to create things together? Feel free to send me an emejl or apply below.
Want to see if we'd be a good fit to accelerate things together? Feel free to send me an emejl or fill out the form below.
Want to see if we'd be a good fit to evolve or disrupt things together? Feel free to send me an emejl or fill out the form below.